Monday, April 7, 2008

You Did It! Congratulations!

We made it! We have explored, created, and learned about ways to use new technologies to learn, teach, research, communicate, entertain, and socialize. We have come full circle to our original goals for organizing the PST. Our original definition of Web 2.0, the Read/Write web, was:

  • Creativity – using free tools of the Internet to design and create Web content.
  • Connected – constantly connected to your PLN, your family, your friends, your employer, your future employer, your students, your peers, professionals in your field, and the world.
  • Collaboration – Social networking and Web 2.0 are all about strengthening relationships; working in designing, creating, and sharing the learnings from conversations and learning projects.
  • Conversations – about anything that interests you…from crafts, to education, to libraries, to the most current scientific research available. Conversations with your PLN – as small or as large as you want to make it.
  • Content -- user-generated content. We all have the ability to join the conversation and add to the content of the web, instead of just consume data. We have the ability to add, mash up, share, and use the collective intelligence of the Internet -- and the World. That's exciting!

We have only scratched the surface of the tools, conversations, and creativity that is now possible -- not only for our own productivity and learning, but what we can share with others. Your permanent assignment is to share what you have learned -- with a student, a teacher, your administration, your children, your friends.

Discovery Exercises:

  • Review the "Things" you have learned and note what you have accomplished in this class.
  • Read your own blog and see how far you have come!
  • Your final assignment is to write your reflection on this class as your final blog post (use your new tools!). Please be thorough, contemplative, and honest -- this will serve as your course reflection to receive credit. Make it as long as you need to fully reflect your experience and learning.
  • Keep commenting on the blogs of your classmates and continue to add to our Media Clerks Wiki. This document will continue to serve us as a great reference tool.

To help get ideas flowing for your final blog post, here's some things to think about:

  • Did the class meet your expectations?
  • What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
  • How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
  • Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
  • What could be done differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
  • Did the instructor cover the content adequately?
  • Would you do it again? ...or, better yet, would you do this class without the credit?
  • What suggestions do you have to improve on the content/delivery of the materials?
  • How will you apply what you learned? ...personally? the library? ...with students?
  • How has this new information added to your job skills, and capabilities, as a media clerk?
  • How do you feel about blogging? ...will you continue to blog after this class is finished?
  • What is the most important thing you learned about yourself, technology, or working with your Personal Learning Network?
  • What would you suggest for another topic or area of study for our next Professional Study Team project?
  • What ideas do you have to add/develop programs to enhance our professional development experience and opportunities?

Thanks to all of you for your humor, patience, diligence, determination, creativity, contributions, and for being such great inspiration. This learning experience was so rich...because of all of you. I look forward to our next learning journey together.

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