Monday, April 7, 2008

Thing #23 -- Expand Your Mind

Where will your learning journey take you now? We have learned so much, yet there is so much "out there" for us to explore and add to our expanding repertoire of Read/Write web tools. Here's some great places to continue your learning in our own back yard! The professional development opportunities to learn about the Read/Write Web and Online Learning Tools continue to grow in our district -- try out a few!

Discovery Resources:

Atomic Learning -- Learn more about:

St. Vrain Virtual Campus

Office of Professional Development

Discovery Exercise:

  • Blog (your Thing #23 post) about some of the things you discovered in this exercise. What did you find that will be useful in your learning journey?
  • Where will you go from here?

If you want more:

Continue your journey! Here's some great places to explore more available for you to learn, create, share, and use. Happy learning!

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